Get funding by elevating your pitch with resonating storytelling and attention-grabbing visuals.

Build trust by showcasing your credibility, reliability and capabilities to potential partners.

Satisfy all parties by exposing and communicating strategically-sound needs, objectives and roadmap.

Drive sales by crafting persuasive messages tailored across diversifying audiences and channels.

Avoid roadblocks by developing effective frameworks and learning processes during transitions.

For over 11 years in key strategic consultancy roles, Jean-Simon (JS) has helped the healthcare industry launch dozens of products, grow their market share and innovate.

Leveraging his North American origin and experience, JS brings cutting-edge perspective to the Swiss startup ecosystem.

JS understands the challenge of creating presentations that are precise, visually impactful and convincing. Through his experience and working with leading experts, he has developed a unique ability to turn complex ideas into engaging and relatable presentations.

He has also successfully coached 50+ professionals in creating outstanding presentations that persuade and drive action.

Send me an email today to book your free consultation and discover how your ideas can be transformed into stories that bring your vision to life.

A cartoon using a complex polley to easily lift a 3 speech bubbles depicting complect scientific information, data and mobile communications.